Thursday, February 5, 2009


How can boy and girl be considered compatible
when they are always just crashing like cymbals
clanging like wind chimes in a hurricane
screaming out sounds and tears that pierce more ears
than your local tattoo shop?
How can boy be a crutch when all he seems to do is mess up?
Oh, his tongue tastes so surely like shoes,
and his mind left reeling only catches tires and boots,
my God, where have all the fishes gone?
How can a girl be his world when she's not orbiting
just kind of revolving in place, arms tucked away,
not looking at his face, tears leaving lines
where they've carried her makeup somewhere else to stay?
How can boy and girl go together like puzzles,
when they struggle just to stay in the same box,
when the pieces that make them partial to each other
stay hidden under jeans or ribcages and behind
zippers and words? And anyway, shouldn't it be an
everything kind of thing, not just this piece fits
that piece fits, but when everything comes together,
it falls back apart into little frustrating bits.
How can it be?

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