Friday, December 26, 2008


When I was a kid, we would go to the nearest Catholic Church each Christmas Eve for service. We don't anymore. Other than a wedding and three funerals, I've managed to avoid the Catholic Church altogether for the last 10 years. My first Christmas as a married person, I joined Becky's family at the church where 10 weeks earlier, I was married, for a Christmas Eve service. It was the last time I went to church so close to the holiday. I miss it, I think. As I drove from Virginia Beach to Fredericksburg alone yesterday (Christmas) evening, I was happy to have spent time with family, but I was feeling incomplete.

It may have had to do with the bruised face my nephew had after my sister-in-law's dog had a brief freak-out. It may have had to do with how people were really angry, like really angry, despite apologies. It may have had to do with the lack of good sleep I'd had in the previous few nights. I think it was a combination of those things, but I think those things were are reflections of the lack of grace, and more importantly, the lack of JESUS in the holiday. I don't expect some corporate discussion of Jesus and His importance to the world, and His birth being the whole reason we have this season. Truly, the fault lies with me. Before anything this morning, I should have isolated myself, or maybe Becky and me, and read the story of the birth of Christ (Matthew 1, Luke 1, John 1:1-5). I should have gone into the day with that on my heart and my focus rather than my desire to see my daughter open presents and drink coffee and eat food. All great things...there is no feeling like watching Ariella open a gift and realized, "This is for me..." but not THE MOST IMPORTANT.

Thank God for grace.

I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holla. This has never been a huge issue for me since my dad always makes sure we light the advent candles and hang prayer requests on our tree of thanks or whatever my parents call it. We used to read the Christmas story too, but I'm kinda glad we didn't this year because it's starting to feel trite. Gotta make it fresh sometimes, you know?